Most of the people think that by joining the gym and working out for a few days/months will give them a body of ‘Arnold Schwarznegger’.

However this is absolutely false. A plan has to be followed on training and nutrition properly to gain lean muscle without adding the fat .

Following Steps have to be followed to add lean muscle:

Step#1: Lift heavy

Most of the guys dream of building good amount of muscle but they keep on lifting the 4 pound dumbbell.To build muscle,the weight should be heavy and the weight should be pushed by the body and the muscle tissue should get pumped upto the maximum which in turn results in bigger muscles.

Step#2: Prefer free weights over the equipments

Using free weights for workouts like barbells and dumbbells can increase the working of a muscle and gives full range of motion unlike the machines whose movement is restricted.For example: Squats with a free barbell is effective than the squats on Smith machine .

Step#3: Do compound exercises to build muscle

Compound workouts such as squats,deadlifts activates almost all the muscle groups of the body hence it helps in functioning and working of all the muscles of body and overall it helps in the building of muscle

Step#4: Train your muscles frequently

In the normal bodybuilding routine,it is advised to train one muscle group once a week. But if a muscle group is trained frequently for twice or thrice a week the muscles will be active hence there will be a greater development of muscle size. Most of the people think that if you are doing squats twice a week you are “Overtraining”.But the truth is if you are not able to squat twice a week then you are “Undertraining”

Step#5: Take days off


You would have heard that muscle grow when you rest not when you train them. While this isn’t 100% correct technically, recovery is crucial for building muscle. And days off are part of that.
Take days off to rest your muscle.Rest is needed for muscle recovery that had been torn while working out in the gym.

Step #6: Eat well to feed the muscle

Eat unprocessed foods: Cut down all the processed junk and stick to real foods such as Chicken,fish,eggs,fruits and vegetables.

Make sure to get about 1g of protein per 1 pound of body weight.This helps in recovery and maintanence of the muscle.

Dont remove the carbs from your meals.Instead ,consume complex carbohydrates such as sweet potato,brown rice,oats.

Consume healthy fats such as Avacado,flax seeds,fish oil and nuts.

Step#7: Be consistent

Consistency is the key to effective building of the muscle. Training consistenly keeps the body and mind active and keeps us in the correct form.There is no shortcut to muscle building .It takes months and years of hardwork so you should be constantly working out to build and maintain the muscle.